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iDell Optiplex Hackintosh
How to install OS X 10.7 Lion on a Dell 755/760
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Why Dell?
Dell have the good sense to use a lot of the same hardware as Apple.
Lenovo might be bigger and better, but they are harder to Hackintosh.

Why 755/760?
They are currently available by the pallet load as part of the enterprise upgrade cycle.
Try your local auction/reseller or plentiful on eBay. Don't outbid me, it's bad karma.
With RAM and HD expect to pay less than $100.

This guide is for the baby 755 USFF which you should be able to find for less than $50.
It's small, powerful for its day and makes a great spare/backup/kid machine.
Main disadvantage is no slots which means we are stuck with the cheesy Intel GX3000 GPU on the motherboard and 1280x800 or 1280x1024. More about that later.
If you need more pixels than 1280 then the USFF is not for you, get a larger box and a real graphics card.
Which Brain/Configuration?
Don't buy anything less than Core 2 Duo.
RAM: 1 GB will work, 2 GB would be a sensible minimum; depends on your use.
HD: Most USFFs come with 80 GB;  upgrade to your requirements.
If you buy a wholesale lot and end up with a Pentium, then MacBuntu is your friend: here.

Why Lion?
These machines have some 32 bit hardware so it's easier with a 32/64 OS.
Later operating systems can be made to work, but it's hardly worth the effort.

755 USFF
                  (Click to expand)

Shopping List for iDell_755 USFF:

1) Lion from the Apple App Store:

2) Thumbdrive: 8 GB minimum

3) iAtKos L2 from here.

4) New 2032 Lithium Cell

5) Updated Dell BIOS from

6) Chameleon Wizard from here.

1) Prepare the Thumbdrive

Download Lion and iAtKos L2.
Apple's OS and software suites (from Mavericks on) are free on any suitable Mac, but Lion remains a token $20. If you own a recent Mac you may have bought Lion and are free to download your purchase again and use on other machines (up to five I think). Otherwise you get to buy Lion for $20.
Yes, it's more than Linux, but if you think $20 is expensive, try asking Microsoft for a free copy of Windows 8 and MS Office for your five-year-old Dell :)

Format and load the thumbdrive. If you're familiar with OS X this is straightforward.
Run iAtKos and install on the Thumbdrive. There are guides for this online if you're stuck.

While that lot is loading let's prepare the Dell.
2) Dell Pre-Op

a) Clean up.
Unplug the computer and ground yourself.
Twist the blue knob at the back to remove the lid.
Disconnect the hard disk SATA and power connectors.

Squeeze the disk guides and pull back the HD until you can lift out.
Put the hard disk somewhere safe.

Clean out the computer with a compressor line or a vacuum on blow.
Pay attention to the CPU heatsink, the fans and the ventilation grill.

Don't blow high pressure on the hard disk.
Don't put the HD back as this is a good time for a new Cell.

755 Lithium Cell
b) Replace the Lithium Cell
Remove the screw at the back of the fan caddy (on the left of the picture).
Slide the fan assembly forward until it comes free. Swing the fan caddy clear so you can get to the motherboard (there is no need to unplug it).
Sometimes you can flick the clip backwards (to the left of the cell holder in the picture) and the cell will pop out. Otherwise two pointy-things are needed; one to hold the clip back and one to lever out the cell. Put the old cell in recycling and fit the new one, preferably without getting finger grease on the seal :)
Now put it all back together.

755 Lithium Cell
3)  Update the BIOS

By far the easiest way is to bring the computer up in Windoze from hard disk.
If you're really lucky the HD will boot straight up in XP or Win7.
If you're unlucky it will come up in Vista :(
If not, then you get to babysit another Windows install, just like old times.

To update the BIOS, run the Dell O755-A22.exe (or later) utility from here.
And now the hardware is ready.

Continued on Page 2: